Tuesday, 10 September 2013

After being given the full-time job I've finally been able to organise the classroom to how I want it. After a week in school I feel that it works well and looks fab.

Classroom panorama

APP Tweets - Not started yet

APP Self Assessment trays

Ancient Egyptians display

Water area

Table set up

Tidied library

Behaviour chart

Numeracy display

Time out table

Lovely tidy desk

Tricky word wall

Tidy computer desk

Autumn and Spring term wall displays

Big Art Week 2012 - Ancient Egyptians display

Our Priscilla

Numeracy display - RUCSAC

Science display - Materials

Alphabet display

Literacy display - Myths

Class Christmas tree 2012

Tudor corridor display - Elizabeth I

Classroom layout (new tables)

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Just thought I'd share my summer term wall displays

Summer term 2013 - The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch topic wall, with lighthouses

Summer term 2013 - Science wall: Teeth and Healthy Eating

Summer term 2013 - Chosen country: Spain
Summer term 2013 - Geography topic: Weather around the world


Monday, 12 August 2013

I suppose everyone starts their blogs in the same way:

“I’m new to this…”
“Welcome to my world…”

Or more appropriately:

“Look at me!”

But I honestly decided to write a blog due to the fact that I now have to teach my children how to do the same. A new ICT curriculum states that children should be well versed in all social media, including photo-editing and blogging. Instagram I use. Therefore, I don’t feel as intimiated to teach it. Blogging, however, isn’t something I’ve dabbled with. Ergo, this blog.

I think that as a teacher a blog could be a cathartic experience. A place to vent, display, group ideas/thoughts and perhaps a useful way of cataloguing my experiences. Formative assessment at its best!

A little about me: I am a 26 year old primary school teacher who currently teaches in Year 3 (7-8 year olds, for our American audience). I had my NQT year during the last academic year and I managed to pass with a Good. Woop, go me! It would certainly seem that my experience of teaching mirrors a great many other teachers, many of whom I have not met but thanks to the TES forum I have felt your pain.

Originally I am from Liverpool. I studied both my undergraduate and PGCE locally and failed miserably at finding a job there. I am indeed slightly bitter but I don't dwell on it.

It’s not all doom and gloom though.

I started seeing someone who lived in Herts, looked for jobs in the area and I got one too. Great feeling. It was however a maternity cover meaning that I was unsure as to how long I would have the job. Also I couldn’t organise the classroom in a way that I wanted to. So it only feels like now, this year, after acquiring the permanent position, that yeah, this is my classroom and I can do what I want to it.

I will, in later posts, be adding photos of display boards from my class last year. This is a way of me cataloguing what I did, what was a success and perhaps what I can improve upon in the coming year. But mostly this blog will be about this current academic year. The trails, merriments, observations, potential OFSTED stress etc. etc. etc.

Hasta la proxima